Thursday, November 15, 2012


It's pretty late and I should be getting ready for bed but instead I decided to grab a cup of hot chocolate and rummage through some of my old things. One thing in particular, my book of poems.
I haven't written a poem in years but as a teenager, and even into my early tweenties, I loved writing poems. Nothing fancy, mostly silly love poems, maybe an angry teenage rant or two. But I love looking back at those poems and remembering what it was, at that moment, that made me feel a certain way, to write certain words. Even if it was a heartbreak or an argument, whatever it was, I can always look back on it.
Tonight is a little colder than usual and it's been raining for a while now. It's funny how much I can relate (right now) to this poem I wrote when I was 17.

the clouds were slowly coming
and I was all alone.
the rain was slowly falling
and I was all alone.
the night was slowly leaving
and I was all alone.
the day was slowly coming
and I was all alone.
the birds were slowly singing
and I was all alone.
the rainbow was slowly rising
and I was all alone.
the rose was slowly opening
and I was all alone.
the day goes by
and I'm still alone.

ok, maybe a little depressing but I promise I'm not feeling as sad today as I was the last few days. Plus, I'm about an hour away from Friday and that's always something to be happy about right. I hope you enjoyed my poem.
Anything you love to look back on to remember certain moments?


  1. i used to write poems when i was about 13-14 years old. reading those poems now i think of how much i loved to dramatise about everything:) maybe the fact that i was so young and made a problem out of every little meaningless thing makes me feel this way. because i know even now, i still dramatise on some things :)

  2. That is a beautiful poem. I hope you are feeling a lot happier now that it's the weekend. I think we all tend to get a little sadder during the winter but just enjoy the little moments like that yummy hot coco in your photo. Come by and check out my blog, if you like it I would love it if you followed me.

    xo Andrea
