Tuesday, May 12, 2015

diy hat hanger

Since moving into our house over 3 years ago, my hats have claimed a spot in a small basket on the floor of my bedroom, piled into one another. I always thought I would clear the top shelf of my closet so that they would have a more permanent spot but never did. Then a few months ago I saw this little diy by a pair & a spare and knew I had to create my own.

supplies needed:
a strong branch
clip hooks

I laid out my hats in the order I wanted them to hang, in order to get the length of twine (times 2, plus extra for wrapping around the branch a few times and double knotting) Cut 2 pieces. Fold in half and tie one end of each piece of twine on each side of your branch. Make a few knots throughout the twine lengths, and slide the hooks into the knots.

To hang, cut a piece of twine the desired hanging length and extra for wrapping around the branch a few times. Hang hats on the clip hooks.

I'm super happy with the end result and now my hats have a much better home.

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